Faculty Development Program organized for Higher Education Faculties

Microsoft Azure is one of the fastest-growing enterprise cloud platforms and helps professionals run more secure instances in the cloud. Microsoft Azure is creating a lot of job opportunities and higher education faculties need hands-on training programs on such advanced technologies to teach and mentor their students. Faculties should acquire a range of such skills that will allow them to continue learning and teaching with an improved Teaching-Learning Process.

Understanding the requirement of upskilling the higher education faculties, CEMCA associated with APITA - Andhra Pradesh Information Technology Academy (Govt of AP) and organized a 5 days faculty development program (FDP) in SV Engineering College, Tirupati district of Andhra Pradesh from 21 st to 25 th March 2022 on “Advanced Technologies and Teaching Methodologies”. This workshop was attended by 47 faculties (Male-27, Female-20) from various engineering colleges of Andhra Pradesh. They were upskilled in advanced technologies of Microsoft Azure and Teaching Methodologies.

CEMCA will be supporting APITA to upskill 500 higher education faculties from Andhra Pradesh by organizing a series of such FDP workshops across the state.